Wednesday, May 1, 2013

St Joseph,the patron saints of workers (Coincides with Labour Day)

Like St. Joseph the Worker, I can become holy by fulfilling my vocation and by doing service as a teacher. 

To be great in God’s eyes, we need not be great before the world. If we are faithful, god will make us great. 

Today is the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, the foster father of Jesus. On May 1, 1955, Pope Pius XII granted a public audience to the Catholic Association of Italian Workers, whose members had gathered in Saint Peter’s Square to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their society. They were solemnly renewing, in common, their promise of loyalty to the social doctrine of the Church, and it was on that day that the Pope instituted the liturgical feast of May 1, in honour of Saint Joseph the Worker to coincide with Labour Day.

The Church invites us to appreciate labour and work in terms of the following values:

Vocation: Through labour and work, we give meaning to our existence. We realize that we are not just here to waste time and to occupy space. We have a unique role to play; we have contributions to make in our world.

Stewardship: Through labour and work, we show the highest accountability for all the talents and abilities that nature and education endowed on us.

Service: Through our labour and work, we employ our talents and abilities not only to make a living but to meet the needs of others.

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